Extraordinary General Meeting Announced

At the Committee meeting dated August 29th, 2022, the Committee agreed to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the membership of the club to be hosted at 9:45am on the 5th of November at the Maids Head Hotel. This EGM is being called to vote on whether to approve the proposed new Constitution of the club.

This new constitution has been proposed in order to update the club’s governance, reform the committee structure, and to future-proof the Club for future challenges. When the current constitution was first approved, the club only consisted of one team.

Since then, we have grown immensely to the point where, in the opinion of the committee, our structure requires updating and future-proofing.

Current Norwich Iceni Constitution: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/62f2b37b8156e10d9841c802/t/62f4cfd35dd1e846933 16167/1660211155815/2022-

Norwich-Iceni-Constitution.pdf Proposed New Norwich Iceni Constitution: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/62f2b37b8156e10d9841c802/t/630cfaad953a1c79d50 9005e/1661794990086/2022-Norwich-Iceni-Constitution-TT-REWRITE-DRAFT-WITHOUTAMENDMENTS.pdf

This meeting will be taking place 15 minutes in advance of the scheduled Annual General Meeting (AGM). If the membership approves the new draft of the constitution at this EGM, the AGM will proceed under the provisions of the new Constitution.

If you haven’t already, please RSVP through our Spond event here or email info@norwichbaseball.co.uk


Opening Day for the Autumn edition of the Norfolk Baseball League!


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